Get creative at the HDG-Artists Inc studio with our professional and weekly workshops.
Untutored Workshops:
Tutored Workshops:
- Workshops run regularly every week-day.
- All weekly workshops are untutored sessions managed by a convenor.
- Professional life models sit on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
- Tuesday workshop is an opportunity to work on your own project in a studio alongside other artists.
- Timetable and price details can be found here.
Tutored Workshops:
- Tutored workshops run by professional artists. We conduct several professional workshops each year
- Workshops for 2024
HDG-Artists continues to monitor advice regarding COVID-19 so requests all attendees to our studio, workshops and events as follows:
o If you have flu or cold-like symptoms please don't attend workshops until you are free of symptoms and testing negative (if the illness is Covid)
o Vulnerable people may choose to wear a mask. Please respect their choice.
Thank you for keeping our HDG-Artist community safe.
HDG-Artists continues to monitor advice regarding COVID-19 so requests all attendees to our studio, workshops and events as follows:
o If you have flu or cold-like symptoms please don't attend workshops until you are free of symptoms and testing negative (if the illness is Covid)
o Vulnerable people may choose to wear a mask. Please respect their choice.
Thank you for keeping our HDG-Artist community safe.