HDG-Artists holds a yearly exhibition at the Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens. Members are invited to submit their choice of up to 3 art-works to the Annual Exhibition, or a piece for the Lambert wall. The Lambert Wall is a themed collection of paintings which forms part of each HDG-Artists Inc Annual Exhibition. The concept was proposed by a popular and long term HDGA member, Dixie Lambert. Since its inception the Lambert Wall has been popular with both members and the public alike.
Copy of a newspaper report on the 1st HDG-Artist Exhibition in 1941
Copy of a newspaper report on the 1st HDG-Artist Exhibition in 1941
Lambert Wall 2021 - 'Window'
In 2020 HDG-Artists conducted a very different type of Annual Exhibition
T Half Dozen Group of Artists Inc 79th Annual Exhibition was originally scheduled for June 2020 at the Richard Randall Studio at Mt Coot-tha. Then.... the Pandemic intervened and it wasn't safe to hold an exhibition at that time. The Exhibition was re-scheduled for mid October at the group's studio at Sherwood. However, although restrictions had eased by then, the space available in the studio wasn't sufficient to ensure safe entry and exit for visitors. Undaunted, we opted to hold a Virtual Exhibition, which was very successful in terms of visitors from all over the globe being able to enjoy our artists' work.
33 of our members contributed 107 separate pieces of artwork, 21 of those going to make up the Lambert Wall. The theme of this year's Lambert Wall was "Something that makes me smile", and there were some great, smile-making works submitted!
Below are a couple of screen shots which depict how the exhibition looked at the start-up. When each individual painting was selected, it automatically enlarged and showed the details of the artist and the work.
T Half Dozen Group of Artists Inc 79th Annual Exhibition was originally scheduled for June 2020 at the Richard Randall Studio at Mt Coot-tha. Then.... the Pandemic intervened and it wasn't safe to hold an exhibition at that time. The Exhibition was re-scheduled for mid October at the group's studio at Sherwood. However, although restrictions had eased by then, the space available in the studio wasn't sufficient to ensure safe entry and exit for visitors. Undaunted, we opted to hold a Virtual Exhibition, which was very successful in terms of visitors from all over the globe being able to enjoy our artists' work.
33 of our members contributed 107 separate pieces of artwork, 21 of those going to make up the Lambert Wall. The theme of this year's Lambert Wall was "Something that makes me smile", and there were some great, smile-making works submitted!
Below are a couple of screen shots which depict how the exhibition looked at the start-up. When each individual painting was selected, it automatically enlarged and showed the details of the artist and the work.